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Sunday, 10 April 2016

An introduction to myself

I would describe myself as a mysterious individual, to the point where even I am perplexed as to what I represent in this life. But I believe it's better to have some sort of mystery about yourself rather than to be a painted canvas.

Born in Kuwait, raised in the UK, studied in the US and Canada, I guess you could say that I'm a globetrotter. I don't think I was meant to be living in this country, but then again no one is stopping me. Kuwait has a way of doing that to you, you just somehow become comfortable and lose ambition and end up falling into a "comfort" swamp.

I'm no Christian Grey, nor do I pretend to be like one. But I've always been fascinated with how women perceive men (whether they are Alpha Males, Nice Men, Or Douche Bags). I would say that I fall in between the category of Alpha and Nice. I haven't quite yet found my ideal personality type, yet in life I believe that you should always adjust your energies to the person that you're meeting. Although I'm not a firm believer of changing yourself to adapt to a person, nice men do always finish last. I'm not saying men should be douchebags, but women love men who are confident, in control, decisive, and have ambitions.Women want a gentleman, but don't confuse the gentleman with a nice guy. A nice guy is the kind of guy who throws a million compliments a day, never challenges your thought process, and basically nods his head to everything you say.

In the day-time, I'm a professional working in the Finance industry. I'm very ambitious about my career and have hopes of becoming a self-made millionaire some day. Although that might seem a bit far fetched for now, I do believe that I could be successful if I put my head into the right direction.

I've always been in and out of relationships since the day I could remember. I fall in love, become vulnerable, and then I end up taking forever removing all the reminisces of the past. My longest serving relationship was one year. I guess after experiencing heart ache so many times, you end up becoming numb to emotions or feelings. In a way, it's a good thing, as I do believe that it makes me less vulnerable and less susceptible to getting hurt.

I've had tons of experience with women in my life. I pretty much can read a woman like an open book now. Women are extremely complicated to read and will drive you absolutely mad, but the secret to seducing a woman is to treat her like a human being, it's that simple, regardless of how big her boobs are, or how gorgeous her face is. I see so many men here who treat women like objects before they even know them. It makes my job easier, because being an intellectual alpha gentleman is the way to go and racks up all the points for me.

Yours Truly,
50 Shades of Q8

1 comment:

  1. You lucky gentleman! Having the ability to read woman trumps all known and possible super powers in my book. It's the key to a wonderful life.

    And ya, nice guys do finish last......
